41st Post
I woke up early in the morning, emm, not too early lah, around 10 am, or something like that. Shower for 15 minutes. Quickly put on my shawl and off to UCSI and LimKokWing University with my dear brother. I was a bit nervous at first, thinking about some stuffs. I am a SO nervous actually. Hehe. Well, for all of you who didnt know about my situation, let me tell you a bit about it. I didnt get the offer for both matrics and ipta. And only ALLAH knows how sad and dissapointed I am. But its okey. He knows whats the best for me. So I just have to move on right? So, just in case if my rayuan ditolak, I have no choice but to enter the private university. Huh, sedih sungguh.
So, UCSI University. What course should I take? I have no idea myself. Ofcourse, my first option was medic. But I guess I have to forget about it. So, what choice do I have right now? Let's see, Biotech, Architecture, A-level, Accounting etc except MEDIC. CIS! Haha. Biotech is kinda interesting, Architecture? I love to draw :) How about A-level? Emm.. Accounting? Oh, sorry, no thanks. Langsung tak minat. HAHA. So, tiga choice ni la eh? ADUH, pening. :(
Lim Kok Wing University : Emm, lets not talk about it. HAHA.
Whatever it is, thanks wish for bawa aina to these to places. Hehe :D Aduyai, kena pikir sikit nak ambil course ape.
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